Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge; Round up and start of new week.

A huge thank you to those who took part.  Please click on the links below to see full posts.  They are all absolutely lovely.
Steve Says
Words4jp’s Blog
Just a Little Glimpse
“On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”
Day One
Smudge’s Place
Sonel’s Corner
Memories are made of this
Watch this, it is soooooo true!
If by any chance I missed your link please let me know so that I can update this post immediately.  I have, through my blog visiting, come across posts for this challenge which I have either missed, or the post was not linked back to me.  Please let me know if you do the challenge via comments with a link, or a pingback.
The new week is now open (13).
If you’d like to take part, here is how:
Just simply do a post of your pets, or pets of your friends or family.  You can also post pictures and stories of animals that come and eat food you leave out for them. Eg, you may have a bird feeder in your garden. Pictures taken in the wild are also very welcome. Link back here and head your post as “Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge.”  Display the logo on your post or on your sidebar.
Most importantly, have fun!


74 thoughts on “Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge; Round up and start of new week.

  1. hehe, love the video Michelle! Great collage again hon and the snowflakes on your page is cool! Have a great day hon! *big hugs*

  2. Pingback: Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge week 13 | Ute smile

  3. Pingback: Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge 9 | Steve Says....

  4. I can’t believe I forgot to record the kitties performing last week! Naughty me. Nevertheless, I hear Lady Tubbington will be making an appearance this afternoon 😉

  5. Pingback: Weekly Pet Challenge – tum tum please? | Words4jp's Blog

  6. What I lovely idea! It was so great to read about other people’s pets. Enjoy the (WP) snow….I am so glad I don’t live in actual snow anymore but it does make for a festive atmosphere

  7. Pingback: Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge | Aewl's Abode

  8. Pingback: Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge : More House Sitting Pets | Memories are made of this

  9. Pingback: Weekly Pet Challenge | Day One

  10. Pingback: Pets | It Goes On

  11. Pingback: Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge 13 | angelswhisper2011

  12. Pingback: Sunday Stills and Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge | Cee's Photography

  13. Pingback: Take five. | Hope* the happy hugger

  14. Pingback: Sunday Stills and Michelle’s Pet Challenge | It's a wonderful F'N life

  15. Pingback: Grand Giraffe. | Hope* the happy hugger

  16. I like, even that the goal is a pub. Personally I’m very refractory for pubs, but the pictures and gestures of the nice cat here remember me the real life with my three cats , each one a character 🙂

  17. Pingback: Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge : Week 13 | Sonel's Corner

Namaste. My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty & peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are the same, we are one.