The best book I’ve ever read.


The Daily Prompt

The friendly, English-speaking extraterrestrial you run into outside your house is asking you to recommend the one book, movie, or song that explains what humans are all about.

What do you pick?

I would definitely pick: The Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemingway.  It is undoubtedly one of the best books I’ve ever read.  I think it would give an extraterrestrial a lot of insight into human nature.
I’m doing two posts in one today.  Above is a photo of a regular visitor in my garden.  This is for Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge.  If you’d like to take part, then please click on the logo below.


For: The Daily Prompt

Michelle’s Weekly pet Challenge

49 thoughts on “The best book I’ve ever read.

  1. Wow, a book telling what “we humans are all about” I guess a lot of people would pick the Bible, The old man and the sea is a good book as well however I think I would have to recommend a whole crapload of books to explain what we are all about. Orwell of course, Hemingway, Shakespeare and Agatha Christie must be in the list. Arthur C Clark and Robert A Heinlein can’t be missed either. Of course Dickens. Imo Beatrice Potter too . Uh…. Wells, Andersen, Shaw, King, Hunter S Thompson, Goethe and let’s not forget Tolkien and Rowling. Oh…..and let’s throw Patty van Delft in the mix as well so they have a new Author as well.

    I think this would be a reading list that would give them a good notion of what humans are all about. our joys, Our fears, our light and dark sides. Our realities and fantasies etc etc.

    Writing all these great authors down made me want to read 😛

  2. Pingback: Worldly Encounters With Humanity | Prairie Views

  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Wordly Encounters from planet Flum | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  4. I’ve never read that book, because I haven’t been able to get into Hemingway’s style of writing, but maybe I’ll have to try it again. So…what kind of bird is that? It is beautiful! What a great shot!

    • It’s a Hadeda Ibis, found in many African regions. There are many of them around here. They all gather in a tree nearby in the evenings. They are very loud, but I love having them around 🙂

  5. Pingback: Daily prompt: E.T | The Wandering Poet

  6. Pingback: I'm a Writer, Yes I Am

  7. The Truth – Terry Pratchett.

    That is a great shot of the Hadada Ibis.
    I am busy compiling a photo catalogue of all the birds that visit out spot.
    We also get the Hadada tramping all over the lawn , but I will consider myself very fortunate indeed to get such a superb capture as this, Michelle.

  8. Pingback: What A Dumb Alien… | The Hempstead Man

  9. Pingback: Worldly Encounters | My Atheist Blog

  10. You are so right Michelle. I loved reading that story as well. Great choice hon.
    LOVE your garden visitor and what a stunning capture! Great entry for the challenge hon. 😀 ♥ Big Hugs ♥

  11. Pingback: DAILY PROMPT: Worldly Encounters | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

  12. I have to also agree…. one of my all-time favorite books!! I want to read it again too! Lovely photo Michelle! I’ve heard of an Ibis but never seen one.

  13. Pingback: Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge; Round up and start of new week (37) | Hope* the happy hugger

  14. Pingback: Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge; Round up and start of new week (37) | Quarksire

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