Daily Prompt: Flawed


Today’s prompt: What is your worst quality.  It had me puzzled for a few seconds, because I don’t see flaws as qualities.  I see flaws as personal failures I find hard to overcome.   Also, the questions asks what my worst quality is?  My question in reply is “how long is a piece of string?” I go through phases of being my own worst enemy and I will criticize myself to no end.  People don’t like that about me and will be unnecessarily unkind about it – suppose that is then flaw no 1.

So here’s the list:

Insecure, vulnerable, gullible, impulsive, tell too much, depressed, anxious, bad judge of character … I don’t quite know which one is the worst, so its up to the reader to decide, if they wish, which the worst one will be.

Not a brilliant day for me to answer this question, maybe I should just delete, or maybe just be impulsive and press “publish.”