Seeing Deeper

VintageArt-Seeing Deeper

I was in the process of doing a few designs for vintage cushion covers that I need to print, when I got a little carried away.  This was the result.  Whilst I was manipulating these vintage pictures I was thinking about how sometimes our pets see something, and when you look, there is nothing there.  I’ve experienced this often with my pets over the years.  My humble opinion is that they do see deeper than we know…

I can’t use this image for the cushion covers so I thought I’d join in on the “Pixel Prose Challenge” this week, run by lovely blog friend Amanda.


32 thoughts on “Seeing Deeper

  1. ohhhh – how wonderful – and how deep your words are – and pets hear and smell different – so who knows what they see! ha! great image 🙂 and hope the cushions come out.

  2. Beautiful picture, Michelle. I know what you mean about an animal just sitting and staring at a wall or something. Some say it’s because the animal is senile. I think they’re seeing things we cannot see in this life. Some would say I’m senile for saying that! 😉

  3. I just adore this artwork Michelle! and I love the way you have done your ‘Prose’ right down the centre of the image. So very true too! I have always observed this in my dogs and cats, and think they are looking at something their 6th sense can pick up, and I can’t.
    Thanks so much for entering the challenge hun. 🙂 ❤

  4. Pingback: Pixel Prose Challenge: Colour My World Pink | Unique Art Chic

Namaste. My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty & peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are the same, we are one.