It was only when I shoved the broom out of the window…


Yesterday my littlest daughter (7) called me, sounding a little terrified.  In a flash my eldest daughter and I arrived in my daughter’s room.
“There’s a wasp!”  Said my littlest daughter, with fear in her voice.
When I saw the wasp I understood why, it was huge.  I told littlest daughter to stand in the passage.  I closed the wasp in the room and ran for my first weapon of defence.  Yes! You guessed it; the broom.  Rushing back I saw that eldest daughter (20) was standing there with littlest one making sure she was ok.
I took a deep breath, and opened the door.  I tried to push him out of the window with the broom. All the while, eldest daughter kept laughing and telling me that I should rather let her do it.  I must have been quite a sight running around the room chasing the wasp with a broom.
“Give my one good reason why I can’t get this wasp out of here?” I asked.
“Well, firstly, you’re too short!” she said, still having a good old guffaw.
“Too short my foot!” I said! (There’s a pun in there, somewhere)
This only fuelled my determination to get the wasp out.  Just then, the wasp settled on the edge of the broom, and I just stuck the broom out of the window, gave it a little shake, and the wasp was free.
I can just hear some of you thinking that I could have used some sort of spray to terminate him, but to be honest; I would rather see him flying off without me having to do the dirty.

Day 2

photo credit: piscochile / Hugh Honeyman via photopin cc